Simple Indesign Tips - Most work to web design online and document work can do with some design product, but this tips not for web design, this is just document work. If you have a work that create by M.Office document and want to convert edit with indesign it is just simple tips for publishing.
1. Open Indesign and make a new indesign document.
2. Klik on toolbox "T" for text and block at indesign document layer.
3. After that klik "File" and choose "Place".
4. Find where your document and klik open.
Another way to make a stock word to indesign.
1. Place your document at desktop.
2. OPen Indesign and make a new document.
3. Drag and drop your word document into Indesign document.
Note : This is just for a indesign layout, i don't know if you have more page and want convert all to indesign without word document style change, if you know how please don't hestitate to tell me.
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